Festival of Colors

Updated 04 Jul 2014 by .

Cercatori d'Arte has a new tradition, having just begun in the summer of 2013 - the Festival of Colors! Every summer (around the end of June/beginning of July), for three days, the pack will celebrate the time of new beginnings by way of colors - paints, flowers, and brilliantly colored cloth will adorn the pack. Holding bonfires, throw colored powder at each other, and celebrating wildly is what this Festival is about!


A heavy emphasis is put on color during the Festival, and celebrating the many hues that spring gives. Colors are encouraged during the festival - in any sense! D'Artisans may paint themselves with colors and celebrate wildly with bright jewelry, clothes, beads, and anything else that may give off a lovely shade.


During these three days of fun, d'Artisans are heavily encouraged to let loose all social structure and celebrate wildly. Together, everyone enjoys each other’s presence on this day; no one expects polite behavior, and as a result, the atmosphere is filled with excitement, fun and joy. Unstructured fun, such as unscheduled singing and dancing as well as bonfires are common - and members may even throw paint and colored powder at each other to color their fur!

During the Festival, no one is expected to work at all - the name of the game is play! Work during these three days is generally frowned upon (don't be a party pooper!) and all are welcome to join in the wild fun.

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